Sunday, 30 June 2013

I learned again tonight

We went to parham's b-day last night with my brother and his friends. 
I believe today is the day that i quit .....
It really affects my judgment when i do it under influence of alcohol. I become overtly nice and kind and cool

I am kind but i always have a distinctive discipline which get deteriorated when i drink and sm...,

1- wine id not my drink fir now
2- pre-determine how much ur planning to drink so it won't go out of hand
3- monitor ur actions. Think about ur words first and then spit them out ( specially when u realize that u r drunk)
      - i was very nice last night which i       don't like to look like that much of a cool girl   
4- quit - doing this does not match u. More than it gives u joy, it make u feel like shit all the time so i believe today is the day that i quit 

Saturday, 29 June 2013

Grilled Fish

We are at wheat sheaf right now with pishim

I ordered grilled salmon for the first time yeeeeeeey soooooo exciteeeed

Thanks to this cholestrol lol. 

Me and pishim are having so much fun and we went to swimming today

Love u
it is 11:25 and I am in Robarts library.
I am about to start writing my outline for D33 and hopefully I will be at a very good standing for this paper

Friday, 28 June 2013

It's friday night
I came out to ...'s friend place. Pishi is all talking about work and other guy stuff and computer

Will never do this anymore

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

What an amazing and peaceful weekend it was. Me and pishi went out and walked and ate breakfast brunch in the patio on sunday morning in spadina. We also went to an indian lunch buffet and pishi terekoond :D
And we were invited to my high school's friend party in saturday night in a cafe in kensington market. 

Love u pishim. 

Saturday, 22 June 2013

I felt empty inside so just came to write here. 
Woke up, went on facebook, waiting for 11:45 to do my blood test. 
Niether know about the rest of the day nor i care. 

Friday, 21 June 2013

I hope the last moment that i wanna die,  to have the same exact feeling as i have now.....

Monday, 17 June 2013

My scattered thoughts today..

Waiting for pooyee to pick me up at the library. I studied very well today. And what a mind racing day it was.....

But i managed to study well ...

Sunday, 16 June 2013

My dad and the lessons that i learned today

I just learned today that without exception everyone except ur life partner put their wishes in their first priority before u and ur well being even ur parents. 

1- only learn to care about urself and ur partner first, and only when this was satisfied, then start wasting or willingibgly spend ur time and energy for others including ur parents. Leran to be kind to ur self and the small family that is being built and that's the only thing that matters

- today i realized that everyone wanna win the game of this life or worse they even play games with u to satisfy their needs

2- doori va doosti and in this case about ur dad
- whenever u get close, he may not respect the time and ur kind heart. It is going to be me who gets hurt the most. He wasted our whole day trying to micro manage our sunday. And i can feel that he doesn not mind at all. He is sleeeping without thinking about the consequences of his actions that may negatively affect me emotionally and timely. 
- i was really mad and i left my keys as i just wanted to get out of that place. 

* doori o doosti 
- so u both can respect and maintain the good relationship
- va msintaining a big roo dar vaysi. 

* he doesn't mind that i become annnoyed. Don't forget this so don't provide this opportunity. And if it happened , walk out with no care as u should only care and be kind to urself and ur partner

* be a little selfish and not selfless

I will think more about it in the sauna and try to organize ur thought.
Don't feel bad for people when they call u at a wrong time. Think about urself. 

Just wrote this to not to forget that he has these tendencies. Don't get that much affected. 
On regular basis , he appears very emotional but don't forget in realiy, usually he cares about himself and put himself in the first priority. ( he never skips ymca on saturdays )

Thursday, 13 June 2013

Graduation ceremony

Yesterday was my geaduation. 

My baby took off from work the whole day and he spent the day with me at the convocation. I love u babym and thanks for always believing in me and suppporting me all the way through this path......

My dad also came to my convocation and we went to sushi together. It was so much fun and i got a huge graduation gift. From him :D

Sunday, 9 June 2013

Sitting beside the street waiting for him to  make sure that the other guy won't see me.  

My heart's broken .....
