Monday, 25 July 2022

we are the one and only!

As time goes by, and as I see how much you have been trying to cheer me up in the past couple of days, I become more hopeful that this life will turning into a really positive direction.

You totally understood me without any effort in the past few weeks when I told you that I have started digging in my past (teenage years) and you easily comprehended why I was offended about my mom two nights ago. As I spoke to others, I realized that it takes a lot of explanation and effort to make them understand my feelings. With you, it's been easy in the past few weeks. It wasn't always like that to the point where I lost all my trust. But now I see it differently and that's because I genuinely felt that you care and most importantly you understand my logic and my feelings.

I am falling in love with you again and I think I am going to keep private with the outside world for a while.

Sunday, 24 July 2022

Sara's image from an outside observer:-

- Quality of thinking
- Clear vision based on logic
- physically appealing and attractive 
- putting your words into actions
- *You are a question mark and a pleasant one
- Both emotional and intellectual