Monday, 14 January 2019

Pishi's full day food for the day..

He'll be at the college all day until 9:30pm tomorrow. Let's be sure he receives all the necessary nutrients

Sunday, 13 January 2019

Aquaman Movie @ Ultra AVX

Sunday evening we'll spent with pishi at Ultra AVX (Etobicoke Cineplex).
Going to movie theatres is my new found hobby now. Pishi already loved it.
We can now go together every Sunday evening :)

Mamoosh flirts with her daddy 2night

My first Khoresht Karafs

It was a success. Very delicious.

Wednesday, 2 January 2019

First HomeCooked lunch of 2019

Professional sosis bandari.
We almost wanted to eat our fingers with it. It was very delicies.